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Creative Workshop for young choreographers and composers

Emerging choreographers and new musicians-composers collaborate with Sofia  Mavragani and Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris for a period of eight weeks within  the framework of an intensive workshop, presenting their original pieces of  work at the Athens Concert Hall (Megaron).

The workshop, by bringing together artists who are active in  heterogeneous expressive fields, is in quest of a new, common ground between the choreographic and musical creation, providing its participants with the technical tools, as well as the  experience of a creative osmosis. The workshop’s objective is to offer artistic support to  emerging artists, to instigate the detection of new aesthetic codes and to bring  together the creators of the new generation.

The idea of the programme is attributed to choreographer  Sofia Mavragani and is produced by Megaron,the Athens Concert Hall

Tutors: Sofia Mavragani (Choreographer)  / Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris (Musician-Composer, Sound Artist)

BREAKING ART II is materialised for the second time,  January - March 2019, produced by  Megaron. The process culminated in the  presentation of the new works to the public on 8 March 2019, at the Athens Concert Hall.


In December 2021, Sofia Mavragani, Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris and Penelope Iliaskou reshaped Breaking Art so to be a creative workshop addressed to adolescent dancers and musicians.  

With the  support of DUNCAN DANCE RESEARCH CENTER and the financial support of THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND SPORTS.

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