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imPROject - - - - Ongoing Improvisation Research

imPROject is an ongoing research on improvisation focusing on the ways in which the structures and elements of playing interfere with, enrich, and finally shape the artistic result. The aim is to develop and implement original tools used to activate perception, manage information, channel it into action, and coexist. The final result concerns the creation of a self-regulatory stage system where performers function as players.

The research process begins with the observations and practices recorded/written down by choreographer Sofia Mavragani through the course of the artistic and educational project playforPLACE in 17 cities all over the world, examining the relation between playing and performing arts.

imPROject takes the form of model workshops and aims to provide a space for the moulding and finally the shaping of a new improvisation method.

First (October 2018) and second (October 2019) model workshops that were provided free of charge for the participants, took place in Duncan Dance Research Center with the kind support of The J. F. Costopoulos Foundation and the I. & R.Duncan Dance Research Center.

The third phase of the research took place in April 2021.
With the support of DUNCAN DANCE RESEARCH CENTER and  the financial support of THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND SPORTS

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