Lady R. draws its raw material from the last text of Rosa Luxemburg, as it was written hours before her arrest and execution, along with Karl Liebknecht, by the Freikorps, after the latter had crushed the Spartacist uprising. The work, created by Sofia Mavragani and interpreted by Chara Kotsali on music by Martha Mavroidi, brings to life, through speech and movement, both the passionate political oratorio of Luxemburg and the question of memory-handling, as well as perceptions on rebellion and repression, as these are shaped in different historical circumstances, through new discourses and requests.
The text of this solo performance proclaims the importance of being aware of what is necessary for one who chooses to follow the path of responsibility and freedom. In the words of Rosa Luxemburg, “The whole road of ... revolutionary struggles ... is paved with nothing but thunderous defeats. Yet, at the same time, history marches inexorably, step by step, toward final victory!”
The work was first presented in the framework of documenta14, more specifically in the context of the public art project “Monument to Revolution” by Croatian artist Sanja Iveković.
Concept - Creation: Sofia Mavragani
Performance: Chara Kotsal
Voice - Music Composition: Martha Mavroidi
Artistic Collaborator: Sanja Iveković
Performance Photos: Margarita Nikitaki
26 Μay, 8 + 10 April 2017, Avdi Square, Athens
17 Sep 2020, Arc For Dance Festival
a production of Documenta 14 and FINGERSIX